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Today I am Listing the Reasons Why I am Grateful to EXO

In lieu of being accused of dropping EXO and leaving them for another group I also happen to like (for the nth time for the past 6 years), I decided I am listing the reasons why I am grateful to my inspiration and my pride, EXO, cos well, why the hell not right?

Funnily enough, when I was in high school, my family kept laughing about my (and my sister's) liking to K-Pop. I kept it in because of that, and I didn't get to make friends with the same preference as I did, in fear of people laughing about it. Now that I'm in my late 20's, I'm regretting those decisions I did back then. Thanks to Sehun, I've always felt so much pride saying I like EXO and I like him. I have so much to be grateful about for liking EXO and Sehun, and this is a day that I feel melancholic about it, so I'm listing it down.

I'm grateful to EXO for existing when I was at a place where I barely knew why I existed

I was a fresh graduate when they debuted, and I was at a place of confusion and anger. When my friends influenced me to like them, I never really thought I would get this far. I found that I have a purpose now, when my Twitter became a medium for me to interact with everyone, and to have an exchange of discussions/conversations not only about fandom, but in issues that made me understand the world more.

I'm grateful to EXO for being so likable that they attracted good people that eventually became my friends

A lot of my closest friends are EXO-Ls, and though some have left the fandom, we managed to keep the friendship. EXO is such a likable group that it's not hard to like them. I kept so many good friends that I met through liking EXO, most of whom I don't deserve. Friends who are with me through thick or thin, friends I will cross the oceans for. Sometimes I do think, what would life have been if I didn't like EXO and I never met them? Thankfully, I never had to live through that reality.

I'm grateful to EXO for making me work hard to learn a new language, which gave me so much opportunities in life

I've spoken about this countless of times before on my Twitter, but I would never have worked harder in learning Korean if not for EXO. By acquiring a new language, I managed to put it in my resumé and I can proudly say I worked as a translator for different K-Pop groups, Soompi, MYX broadcast of MAMA 2016, and countless videos and articles. And now I work at a place where my language skills are needed on some days, too.

I'm grateful to EXO for releasing songs that I like, and at the same time, cures my anxiety attacks

Whenever I tweet about how much I like EXO songs, I genuinely mean it with all my heart. I often get anxiety attacks, sometimes even while I'm at work, and the only thing that can calm me is an EXO song. I found it weird at first, but grateful because at least I know that my anxiety attacks doesn't need medication yet; EXO's the only thing that can heal. When they say that music can heal you, it's very true. 

I'm grateful to EXO for giving me a reason to look forward to a "future"

You know when you live your life in a routine, it can be very tiring. Now don't get me wrong, I'm okay with a routine schedule, but any routine could become tiring. However, when I look at my calendar and plan about when I can go to the next EXO concert, or when they can make a comeback so I can adjust my schedule according to them, I feel this rush of excitement, something that makes me feel alive and ready to take over the world. 

Honestly, I can go on and on, but the thing is, EXO is my entire 20s. They are an almost decade of my life, and there's nothing better than spending all your youth liking a bunch of good-hearted and talented men. I have this lingering doubt on men of course, but EXO restores my faith in them (you'd think I was joking, but I'm actually not LMFAO). This is why whenever some people accuse me of "dropping EXO" just because I like another group, I don't get mad or agitated. I laugh and move on. What I'm saying is, you guys are free to like whoever you like, don't let other people make you feel guilty for feeling what you want to feel. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have so much love for this post. I'm a new fan and EXO entered my life at a time when I almost gave up, as well.


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