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Showing posts from May, 2018

How I'm Dealing with Adulting So Far

A lot of you guys actually have asked me to write about how to be an adult. I actually think my friend Anna has a better grasp in being an adult than any person I know lol. I also gotta be honest, I am in my late 20's and I barely know anything about it. I'm still out there, bumping into things, still not knowing what to do. They never really taught you how to be an adult back in school. I was never told that I have to deal with taxes, that I had to learn about downpayments on rent will not be refunded if you move out less than a year, and nobody ever told me that paying bills would suck so bad, and sometimes you actually have to sacrifice half a month's salary just to pay everything. I think I want to write this post just to give everyone an idea on what to expect if you move out of your house and have no one to expect but yourself. Well, I mean I will try my best to give some advice, most of which I wish I would have done. Here we go.