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Showing posts from October, 2018

Life Update: 12 Days After Surgery

So I'm feeling better. I just want to establish that, cos the last time I posted about my surgery is that I was actually honestly still feeling like death itself. Now though, I still feel like death, but mostly because my deadline is near and I'm still procrastinating.

So I Had An Ovarian Cyst

I've been really distracted the past week because I was recently diagnosed with dermoid cyst which was found on my right ovary. It was definitely one of the most trying experiences of my life. I initially didn't want to share this because I feel like it can dampen the mood for some reason, and also the sole reason why I didn't want to talk about it until I was already lined up for surgery. But, I do know that it is my goal to let women know this could happen to them, too. So I guess I'm here for a.... STORY TIME! lol